settings.yml 4.6 KB

  1. prod:
  2. .settings:
  3. no_script_name: off
  4. logging_enabled: off
  5. dev:
  6. .settings:
  7. error_reporting: <?php echo (E_ALL | E_STRICT)."\n" ?>
  8. web_debug: on
  9. cache: off
  10. no_script_name: off
  11. etag: off
  12. all:
  13. .settings:
  14. # Form security secret (CSRF protection)
  15. csrf_secret: null # Unique secret to enable CSRF protection or false to disable
  16. # Output escaping settings
  17. escaping_strategy: false # Determines how variables are made available to templates. Accepted values: on, off.
  18. escaping_method: ESC_SPECIALCHARS # Function or helper used for escaping. Accepted values: ESC_RAW, ESC_ENTITIES, ESC_JS, ESC_JS_NO_ENTITIES, and ESC_SPECIALCHARS.
  19. # Cache settings
  20. lazy_cache_key: on # Delays creation of a cache key until after checking whether an action or partial is cacheable
  21. #all:
  22. # .actions:
  23. # error_404_module: default # To be called when a 404 error is raised
  24. # error_404_action: error404 # Or when the requested URL doesn't match any route
  25. #
  26. # login_module: default # To be called when a non-authenticated user
  27. # login_action: login # Tries to access a secure page
  28. #
  29. # secure_module: default # To be called when a user doesn't have
  30. # secure_action: secure # The credentials required for an action
  31. #
  32. # module_disabled_module: default # To be called when a user requests
  33. # module_disabled_action: disabled # A module disabled in the module.yml
  34. #
  35. # .settings:
  36. # # Optional features. Deactivating unused features boots performance a bit.
  37. # use_database: on # Enable database manager. Set to off if you don't use a database.
  38. # i18n: off # Enable interface translation. Set to off if your application should not be translated.
  39. # check_symfony_version: off # Enable check of symfony version for every request. Set to on to have symfony clear the cache automatically when the framework is upgraded. Set to off if you always clear the cache after an upgrade.
  40. # compressed: off # Enable PHP response compression. Set to on to compress the outgoing HTML via the PHP handler.
  41. # check_lock: off # Enable the application lock system triggered by the clear-cache and disable tasks. Set to on to have all requests to disabled applications redirected to the $sf_symfony_lib_dir/exception/data/unavailable.php page.
  42. #
  43. # # Routing settings
  44. # relative_url_root: # Default URL prefix. Use this when your symfony project is installed in a sub directory of the apache document root.
  45. # no_script_name: off # Enable the front controller name in generated URLs
  46. #
  47. # # Validation settings, used for error generation by the Validation helper
  48. # validation_error_prefix: ' &darr;&nbsp;'
  49. # validation_error_suffix: ' &nbsp;&darr;'
  50. # validation_error_class: form_error
  51. # validation_error_id_prefix: error_for_
  52. #
  53. # # Cache settings
  54. # cache: off # Enable the template cache
  55. # etag: on # Enable etag handling
  56. # lazy_cache_key: off # Delays creation of a cache key until after checking whether an action or partial is cacheable (defaults to false for backward compatibility)
  57. #
  58. # # Logging and debugging settings
  59. # web_debug: off # Enable the web debug toolbar
  60. # error_reporting: <?php echo (E_PARSE | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_ERROR | E_CORE_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR)."\n" ?> # Determines which events are logged.
  61. #
  62. # # Assets paths
  63. # rich_text_js_dir: js/tiny_mce
  64. # prototype_web_dir: /sf/prototype
  65. # admin_web_dir: /sf/sf_admin
  66. # web_debug_web_dir: /sf/sf_web_debug
  67. # calendar_web_dir: /sf/calendar
  68. #
  69. # # Helpers included in all templates by default
  70. # standard_helpers: [Partial, Cache, Form]
  71. #
  72. # # Activated modules from plugins or from the symfony core
  73. # enabled_modules: [default]
  74. #
  75. # # Charset used for the response
  76. # charset: utf-8
  77. #
  78. # # Miscellaneous
  79. # strip_comments: on # Remove comments in core framework classes as defined in the core_compile.yml
  80. # max_forwards: 5
  81. # path_info_array: SERVER
  82. # path_info_key: PATH_INFO
  83. # url_format: PATH
  84. #
  85. # # ORM
  86. # orm: propel
  87. #
  88. # # Logging
  89. # logging_enabled: on
  90. #
  91. # # i18n
  92. # default_culture: en # Default user culture
  93. #
  94. # # enable 1.0 compatibility
  95. # compat_10: off